Harvey Mudd College scored 2.51 out of 4.
Harvey Mudd jumped five spots from last year's ranking. The college is ranked #44 by Forbes and #18 for colleges by US News.
It has an admissions rate of 32%.
Comments: "Harvey Mudd College provides a challenging cross-curriculum education that challenges a student, pushes them to the limit, and doesn't reward them with grade inflation when they are done. What is does reward them with is the ability to master any challenge that comes their way, to collaborate with colleagues in a productive way, and innovate in ways no one thought possible. That is what Harvey Mudd does for its students."
"Through a cross-disciplinary core curriculum that spans the humanities as well as the technical fields; and by providing ample opportunity for like-minded students to engage in industry-sponsored, entrepreneurial, or cutting-edge research projects; Harvey Mudd College prepares graduates to solve problems in an ever-changing environment, and to understand the ramifications of their solutions."
"Harvey Mudd College is a great place to learn from intelligent, motivated educators while having access to research labs that rival large universities. And, you have a chance to learn enough of the humanities to be an asset to society with your acquired technical skills."
"I have many friends associated with many colleges as students, faculty, staff, alumni, and trustees. Never have I heard, from one institution, all these groups be so strongly aligned in the achievement of a worthy mission statement and strategic vision as I have with Harvey Mudd College. Their deep commitment to innovative and whole-person STEM education makes it an exceedingly successful and special place."
"Harvey Mudd College is the best college for scientists looking to be well-rounded and able to communicate their ideas clearly. The atmosphere is one of collaboration, whereas other colleges are more competitive, and that makes Mudd an encouraging, wonderful place to learn."
"Harvey Mudd College may be small, but it packs a punch."